Ulf Samuelsson ulf at atmel.com
Mon Jul 9 13:08:55 UTC 2007

mån 2007-07-09 klockan 15:41 +0200 skrev Julien Letessier:
> I'm following the discussion and would like to make a point:
> all of this is irrelevant for packages that use the GNU auto* tools
> properly (i.e. a whole lot of packages).
> Their configure script uses the TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS to generate
> correct makefiles, and no flags should thereafter be passed to $(MAKE)
> directly (or they'll break). 
> So IMO, 
> will almost always break such a package. Even packages that just
>    $(MAKE) -C $(FOO_DIR) CC=$(TARGET_CC)
> break more often than not.

The question I asked, where I did not get an answer was:

Is there any case where


is correct but


is not.

I know that there are cases (mtd) when the other way around
is definitely incorrect.

Best Regards
Ulf Samuelsson

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