[Buildroot] Need buidroot for linux2.2.16 to add perl support

Bhagyashri Bijwe bhagyashri.bijwe at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 11:05:19 UTC 2006

     I embedded product with linux-2.2.16, busybox-0.60
,uClibc-0.9.19 for Soekris4521.
I know I am using very old stuff but that is requirement of product.

Now, I need to add perl support to that distribution. I already tried
statical compilation of perl.
But when I run statically build perl image  on distribution .
It gives  No such file error.

Can I use buidroot to add perl support to that distribution?
I did not find buildroot for linux-2.2.16 and uClibc-0.9.19.

Please help me.

   Ms Bhagyashri Bijwe
     Project Eng.
     Networking and Internet Software Group,
     Centre for Research and Development,

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