[Buildroot] [Fwd: Re: SDL_image, SDL_ttf & Co (libpng12.So bug)]

julien.boibessot at free.fr julien.boibessot at free.fr
Mon Nov 27 17:27:50 UTC 2006


> I was using buildroot version 20061111 and managed to
> compile SDL_image including the following flags (LDFLAGS) for the
> linker.
> $(SDL_IMAGE_DIR)/.compiled: $(SDL_IMAGE_DIR)/.configured
> 	$(MAKE) LDFLAGS=$(STAGING_DIR)/lib/libpng12.so -C $(SDL_IMAGE_DIR)
> 	touch $(SDL_IMAGE_DIR)/.compiled

Well I investigate a little too and find that when removing "showimage" example
compilation from Makefile, then I was able to compile SDL_image. (The error on
libpng12.so is during showimage tool link.) But if think your solution is

> I had to change the sdl.mk for SDL adding the following line
> to configure:
> 	--disable-video-directfb
ok ,thanks for the tip !

> I am now having problems compiling SDL_ttf ...

I had problems too :-). I suppose you have the same: missing OpenGL library.
I was able to compile SDL_ttf (2.0.8) when adding the following options to

I attach my SDL_ttf makefile if it can help you. Let me know if it solves your
problem !

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