[Buildroot] How to build gcc with -m24k option

Elizabeth Oldham beth at the-hug.org
Tue Oct 16 16:52:42 UTC 2007

>     I am trying to build cross toolchain for MIPS24K.
>   I would like to know the suggested GCC ,binutils and uclibc versions to
> be used to get -mdsp and -m24k flag options.
>   I used GCC-4.2.1,binutils-2.15 and uClibc-0.9.27 but i couldn't succeed.
>   Could you please help me.

You probably want bintuils-2.17, -m24k may have been taken out as it's
been marked deprecated. The equivilent is -march=mips32r2 and -mtune=24k.


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