[Buildroot] building tiny-x or x11R7 with latest snapshot

Ivan Kuten ivan.kuten at promwad.com
Mon Sep 10 21:25:11 UTC 2007

Ivan Kuten пишет:

Hello guys,

I reproduced build of buildroot with libgtk2 and x11r7 support.
Please see a patch in the attachement.
If needed I can split it into chunks for easier review.

Best regards,

> On Sat, 25 Aug 2007 21:55:10 +0200
> Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
>>>> Hi Ulf,
>>>>   If we cant build either Tinyx or Xorg or X11 then how else can we build
>>>> cairo,pango,gtk and other stuff. i am trying to build a decent toolchain
>>>> with all library for arm926ejs but i see that most of these are not
>>>> supported for am926ejs
>>>>   Is there any possibilities that i can build just cairo pango gtk2 without
>>>> the need for x softwares. Once i build all this later can we integrate these
>>>> with x softwares.
>>> Hello all,
>>> I managed to build cairo, pango and gtk2 but with dependency on DirectFB - I need
>>> to modify flags to configure and dependencies. TinyX is buildable but seems only
>>> gtk-1.2 run on top of it. Xorg-7.2 and X11-R6 are not buildable and require a lot of hands work.
>> Pls send your modifications so they can be integrated, then.
>> Best Regards
>> Ulf Samuelsson
> Hi, unfortunately it was an ugly hack not suitable to be released as patch and I 
>  deleted/rebuilded buildroot many times since then. I try in upcoming week or next week to arrive with something
>  suitable to be applied.
> Best regards,
> Ivan
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