[Buildroot] Encountered error when building ARM toolchain (sed)

Arun Reddy reddyac at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 18:47:45 UTC 2008

Hi John

I believe you are correct in that the problem occurs at the kernel build. I
am obtaining the error at the point where the build process states:

# let the user create his/her own config

Then it goes through and looks at the .config file in
/root/buildroot/project_build_arm/uclibc/linux-2.6.24/.config, and I get the
error shortly after.


I will certainly contact Ulf and let him know of this problem. Thank you for
your help!


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:36 AM, John Voltz <john.voltz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Looks to me like the kernel build is where it is failing, I think it's
> trying to sed in the EXTRA_VERSION to your kernel makefile and dropped the
> makefile path. I would complain to Ulf on the mailing list since he takes
> care of most of the ARM stuff. Tell him what kernel version you are building
> for and maybe attach your buildroot .config file. It sounds like some bug in
> the buildroot scripts to me.
> John
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:32 PM, John Voltz <john.voltz at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What package is the build failing at? look at that package's makefile in
>> package/your-pkg/your-pkg.mk to see if there is a bogus sed command in
>> there.
>> John
>>  On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Arun Reddy <reddyac at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Sorry to bump my own thread, but I just want to include some more
>>> questions that hopefully someone can take a look at. I went into the sed
>>> package directory and found a script called sedcheck.sh. It makes use of a
>>> script called check-host-sed.sh, which will determine whether to build or
>>> use a sed host binary. Can someone who has used or even created this script
>>> tell me what this does?
>>> Can it somehow solve my problem shown above? Also, within the same
>>> package directory there is a sed.mk file. Does this file need to be
>>> edited for the ARM build to work? I am quite stuck on how to proceed with
>>> getting through this problem so any hint would help. Thanks a lot!
>>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Arun Reddy <reddyac at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> After successfully doing a build for an x86 platform, I am now
>>>> attempting to build for an ARM platform. After about half an hour into the
>>>> build process I encountered the error:
>>>> /root/buildroot/toolchain_build_arm/bin/sed -i -e
>>>> 's,^EXTRA_VERSION=.*,EXTRA_VERSION==""."4""",g'
>>>> /root/buildroot/toolchain_build_arm/bin/sed: no input files
>>>> Does anyone happen to know what this error is referring to? I understand
>>>> that the editor sed requires an input stream where it performs text
>>>> transformations, but why am I getting "no input files" here? Is the syntax
>>>> for the line above that's being passed for sed not correct? Any tips on how
>>>> to fix this? Thanks a lot for looking into this.
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