[Buildroot] [PATCH] Buildroot uClibc-0.9.29 patches not present in uClibc-0.9.30

Omar BELKHODJA omar.belkhodja at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 15:07:33 UTC 2008

Thanks for your intereset to my issue guys. I appreciate it.

I've just update to the revision 24597, done a make distclean(by the way 
this didn't remove the .config file, so I removed it manually). Then I 
changed the configuration options using make menuconfig.

Please find attached, the command line + my .config file


Peter Korsgaard a écrit :
>>>>>> "Omar" == Omar BELKHODJA <omar.belkhodja at gmail.com> writes:
> Hi,
>  Omar> It is already disabled... So this option seems not to be
>  Omar> working. Below is an extract of my .config file (I needs locales
>  Omar> that's why they are enabled).
>  Omar> Also, if I try with
>  Omar> It still doesn't work
> Strange, it works here, could you send the full .config please?

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