[Buildroot] More newb questions

Tim Barr tbarr at multitech.com
Mon Jan 21 15:25:03 UTC 2008

Is it possible to used menuconfig to edit a linux config file for an Arm
target?  Or do I have to edit the config file by hand? Whenever I try to
do this, it defaults to an arch/I386/Kconfig and I get a bunch of
non-existent parameters.
I still can't figure out why a -rt9 keeps getting appended to the directory name created in the lib/modules directory. My
buildroot keeps failing because there is no directory to put
modules in. Should I not be using a real-time kernel? Or is this some
kind of buildroot bug??

Timothy Barr
Hardware Development Engineer
for Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
 <mailto:tbarr at multitech.com> tbarr at multitech.com 

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