[Buildroot] [buildroot 0002494]: Attempt to build usb tools fails by missing libusb.so

bugs at busybox.net bugs at busybox.net
Sat Mar 8 12:29:56 UTC 2008

The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                ucdamiano
Assigned To:                buildroot
Project:                    buildroot
Issue ID:                   2494
Category:                   Architecture Specific
Reproducibility:            always
Severity:                   block
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     assigned
Date Submitted:             03-08-2008 04:29 PST
Last Modified:              03-08-2008 04:29 PST
Summary:                    Attempt to build usb tools fails by missing
I try to build USB libraries packages on ARM S3C2410, the vanilla
compilation is OK and the generated systems works (only using OABi, but it
works) but when I try to add support for USB I get the following error (see
additional information)

Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
03-08-08 04:29  ucdamiano      New Issue                                    
03-08-08 04:29  ucdamiano      Status                   new => assigned     
03-08-08 04:29  ucdamiano      Assigned To               => buildroot       

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