[Buildroot] Anyone try simulating their Buildroot-created filesystem image in QEMU?

Knut-Håvard Aksnes kna at tirsdagsklubben.nu
Mon May 26 14:00:04 UTC 2008

Arun Reddy wrote:
> While this might fall more under a QEMU related problem, I thought it 
> might be helpful to ask it here since other Buildroot members may have 
> encountered the same problem I'm having.
> I have successfully built my filesystem image for a versatile (pb) 
> baseboard. I have included all the appropriate hardware and drivers 
> for this board in my kernel configuration as listed here:
> http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/qemu-doc.html#SEC63
> I am trying to now boot it in QEMU, and used the following syntax:
> qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128 -kernel 
> arm-linux- -hda rootfs.arm.ext2 -nographic -append 
> "root=/dev/hda1 console=ttyAMA0"
> The kernel image uncompresses fine, but I am getting a kernel panic 
> saying that it is unable to mount the root fs on unknown block. I was 
> wondering if the problem is coming from the fact that rootfs.arm.ext2 
> is not a harddisk image, and cannot be used with the -hda option? Or 
> does it have to do with the device I passed into root=? I know for 
> certain that hda1 is what I wish to use so the kernel will know what 
> to use as the root filesystem... in this case the local harddisk.
I suspect that the problem is that roofs.arm.ext2 is an ext2fs partition 
image not a disk image.
The way I solve this problem is to build the rootfs to cpio or tar.

   1. Format and partition a flash card using parted.
   2. Run mkfs on the partition on the flash card.
   3. Dump the rootfs on the newly created partition.
   4. Install kernel and bootloader.
   5. Umount the new filesystem.
   6. Run qemu with -hda /dev/sdb or similar not /dev/sdb1 (you will
      probably have to be root to do this)

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