[Buildroot] ext2+isofs initrd too big

Roberto A. Foglietta roberto.foglietta at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 23:55:49 UTC 2008

2008/10/18 Roberto A. Foglietta <roberto.foglietta at gmail.com>:
> 2008/10/18 Roberto A. Foglietta <roberto.foglietta at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>>  using buildroot I have compiled a system which is big enough to not
>> fit in the initrd image (default size is 4Mb but could be enlarged by
>> kernel .config). Attached patch prepare a initrd of 16Mb and I can
>> enlarge it more in order to put all my system inside. However this is
>> not the best solution because has no future itself, initrd image could
>> not enlarged forever.
>  _Attached patch_ forgot, until now

 a) stripping modules (previous patch was wrong, see below)

 Using strip on .ko does not work at all without --strip-unneeded.


 strip -R  .comment -R .note -g --strip-unneeded

 b) bootable iso

 a line like this is required for initrd and it does not hurt in initramfs case

 root=/dev/ram0 initrd=0x00800000,16M


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