[Buildroot] Using Buildroot to make small footprint linux

Cristi Magherusan Cristi.Magherusan at net.utcluj.ro
Fri Aug 14 08:33:29 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2009-08-02 at 17:51 +0100, Raed Abu-Sanad wrote:
> Hi,,
> I just downloaded latest version buildroot. I am working on ubuntu
> 8.04.
> how can i started the automated process of buildroot to create
> filesytem and kernel images and install them on a USB flas or CF ?
> Any simple tutorial?
> Thanks


It should feel very familiar to the people who at least once have
compiled a Linux kernel.. 

Run "make menuconfig" in the root dir, select whatever you need to, then
run "make", and it will generate whichever you ask it to from the menu

It can generate everything as a Ext3 FS image(other rootfs formats may
be useful too), which you can just dd to your disk and grow it using
gparted until it fills it..

Here's the whole documentation, if you won't be satisfied with the two
commands I wrote before: http://buildroot.uclibc.org/buildroot.html


Ing. Cristi Măgherușan, System/Network Engineer
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
http://cc.utcluj.ro  +40264 401247
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