[Buildroot] missing kernel headers when compiling kismet

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Wed Dec 9 13:21:35 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Egli <marc.egli at hsr.ch> writes:

 Marc> i disabled all the lxde stuff and also openbox (all my own packages). and the result was the same.
 Marc> find gives me 2 packages wich need wireless.h
 Marc> find output/ -name configure* -exec grep -l wireless.h {} \;
 Marc> output/build/kismet-2009-06-R1/configure.in
 Marc> output/build/kismet-2009-06-R1/configure
 Marc> output/build/libpcap-1.0.0/configure.in
 Marc> output/build/libpcap-1.0.0/configure

 Marc> i think libpcap has some errors when searching for linux/wireless.h
 Marc> i attached my configcache and my libpcapconfiglog

You're right, I somehow missed that I had already compiled libpcap, so
it's configure step didn't rerun after I cleared the config cache.

I've added a fix to git (28ccc22ffd3) for this based on how it is fixed
in libpcap git. Could you give it a try to see if it fixes your problem?

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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