[Buildroot] RTNETLINK error

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Wed Dec 9 22:05:02 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Ryan" == NEAL, RYAN <RYAN_NEAL at appsig.com> writes:

 Ryan> I am actually not trying to boot from an NFS.  I just want to use an
 Ryan> initramfs.

Ok, why are you then using the kernel ip autoconfig stuff that is
normally only used to boot from NFS?

 Ryan> output/target% cat etc/network/interfaces
 Ryan> # Configure Loopback
 Ryan> auto lo
 Ryan> iface lo inet loopback

 Ryan> that all seems reasonable?  I thought I turned off NFS as an option in
 Ryan> buildroot.

Yes, looks fine.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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