[Buildroot] OT: git workflow question

Vellemans, Noel Noel.Vellemans at visionBMS.com
Fri Dec 18 08:08:26 UTC 2009

On 16 Dec, 2009 Thomas has written 
>> Is this how git is supposed to work?

>No. You should have made your changes in a separate branch instead of a
>master branch. Then, you submit your patches. When they are merged, you
>do "git pull" in your master branch. And then "git branch -d
>yourbranch". If everything has been merged, "git branch -d" will
>succeed, otherwise it will fail (and you can use "git branch -D" to
>remove a branch that hasn't been merged).
>This is at least how I'm contributing to Buildroot. Not necessarly the
>cleanest way, I'm no git expert.

Thomas, this is a problem most of the 'NEW' users are facing.

What is the correct way (or supposed correct way) of working with the
buildroot-git, it's quit hard to get the 'picture' of you are not a git

Is there a known document (or url) that you can recommend, not that we
all need/want te be git experts, but a guide that helps us in getting
some basic git workflow would be nice.

Regards Noel.

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