[Buildroot] MySql make error

Mitesh Gupta guptamitesh at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 13:31:25 UTC 2009

I used build root and did a make menuconfig in that I jus added mysql
client. Then edited  vim package/database/mysql_client/mysql_client.mk and
removed the line --without-server for mysql to build with the server and did
a make after making the change. I encounted the following error while make
(just including the short output)

-Os -pipe -Os
--sysroot=/mnt/rootfs/buildroot/buildroot/build_i686/staging_dir/ -isysroot
/mnt/rootfs/buildroot/buildroot/build_i686/staging_dir -mtune=i686
-march=i686 -Os -pipe -Os
--sysroot=/mnt/rootfs/buildroot/buildroot/build_i686/staging_dir/ -isysroot
/mnt/rootfs/buildroot/buildroot/build_i686/staging_dir -mtune=i686
-march=i686 -fno-implicit-templates -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
--sysroot=/mnt/rootfs/buildroot/buildroot/build_i686/staging_dir/ -rdynamic
-o gen_lex_hash gen_lex_hash.o
../vio/libvio.a ../mysys/libmysys.a ../dbug/libdbug.a ../regex/libregex.a
../strings/libmystrings.a ../zlib/.libs/libzlt.a -lpthread -lcrypt -lnsl -lm
make[3]: Leaving directory
./gen_lex_hash > lex_hash.h-t
/bin/bash: ./gen_lex_hash: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [lex_hash.h] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: ***
Error 2

I think the problem is it try to execute gen_lex_hash file which was
compiled and generated using the cross toolchain for the target machine and
cant be run on the machine on which I am building the system and hence the
error " /bin/bash: ./gen_lex_hash: No such file or directory ".

Is there a way this problem can be solved?


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