[Buildroot] gst-plugins-bad - Anyone built it?

Markus Heidelberg markus.heidelberg at web.de
Tue Feb 10 21:40:09 UTC 2009

Daniel James Laird, 10.02.2009:
> Has anyone succesfully built gst-plugins-bad?  I am trying (have
> created a new local package) but am having real difficulty getting
> linking to work.  If anyone has done this I would love to see it!

I did several weeks ago for AVR32 and successfully tested fbdevsink and
displayed a test with image with videotestsrc. There was merely an
RGB<->BGR issue if I recall correctly.

Then I intended to submit it after a little cleanup, but had some errors
on i386, which I don't remember any more and lost interest because I
didn't even use the package at that time.

This is what is currently in my AVR32 tree, I think this was the last
state which worked for me:

		--disable-examples \

Testing for i386 at home I further had to do 


because "/usr/bin/sdl-config was found and led to a linker error?"
I put this in quotes, because this is exactly what I've written down at
that time, including the question mark :)

I think my machine doesn't have SDL installed, so this problem didn't
arise there.

What do your linker errors look like?


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