[Buildroot] broken alsa-lib

Will Wagner will_wagner at carallon.com
Mon Feb 23 09:14:29 UTC 2009

Daniel Mack wrote:
> Hi,
> as pointed out in two threads on the alsa-dev ML, there seems to be
> general problem with ALSA libraries built by buildroot:
> 	http://mailman.alsa-project.org/pipermail/alsa-devel/2009-February/014999.html
> 	http://mailman.alsa-project.org/pipermail/alsa-devel/2009-February/015005.html
> Any hints, anyone?

Not sure if this is the same as a problem I was seeing with alsa-lib. It was a while ago 
so not entirely sure. However I found my problem was to do with the complicated alsa 
versioning API meaning that the wrong version of the function was called. I fixed it by 
adding --with-versioned="no" to the alsa-lib configure (I also moved to 1.0.19 as that had 
a number of bug fixes for other things I needed).

Hope that helps,


Will Wagner                                     will_wagner at carallon.com
Development Manager                      Office Tel: +44 (0)20 7371 2032
Carallon Ltd, Studio G20, Shepherds Building, Rockley Rd, London W14 0DA

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