[Buildroot] Error encountered while doing make after adding u-boot

Ulf Samuelsson ulf.samuelsson at atmel.com
Tue Jan 27 00:24:34 UTC 2009

mån 2009-01-26 klockan 15:02 +0100 skrev Peter Korsgaard:
> >>>>> "Hans-Christian" == Hans-Christian Egtvedt <hans-christian.egtvedt at atmel.com> writes:
>  Hans-Christian> On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 18:36:16 +0530
>  Hans-Christian> Mitesh Gupta <guptamitesh at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hans-Christian> <snipp>
>  >> make[1]: Entering directory
>  >> `/mnt/rootfs/buildroot/project_build_i686/uclibc/u-boot-2008.10'
>  >> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `_config'.  Stop.
>  Hans-Christian> You need to set the variable BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BOARDNAME.
> Why is it again we don't default to $(PROJECT) for this?

Theyt way u-boot is build is that you enter U_BOOT_DIR and do:

make <board>_config

<board> has to be selected from a list of valid board names.

$(PROJECT) is clearly wrong, because that will limit you
to one project per board.

Ulf Samuelsson
> This BOARD_NAME variable seems to be an ARM/Atmel specific thing.

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