[Buildroot] target/device/Atmel kernel patches

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Thu Jan 29 16:54:46 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Ulf" == Ulf Samuelsson <ulf.samuelsson at atmel.com> writes:

 Ulf> As I see it, you get the base kernel from www.kernel.org

Yes, more or less directly, and that's fine for evaluation boards -
But for real development on specialized hardware that's rarely enough,
hence the need for either:

 - Provide a way to add project specific patches on top


 - Take the kernel from somewhere else (some other
   cvs/svn/git/whatever repo).

I suspect we need to support both.

 Ulf> and if you dont want to host kernel patches for AT91,  then
 Ulf> it will be no problem to download them from $(ATMEL_MIRROR).
 Ulf> I just think there are other things in higher need of attention
 Ulf> than removing these patches RIGHT NOW.
 Ulf> I see that moving these patches from svn to a mirror should
 Ulf> be done before the next release of buildroot.

No, but we're doing a bunch of cleanups now - And as I mentioned before,
the arch-arm directory seems a bit extreme as it is.

I don't think adding a bunch of special case handling to buildroot to
download AT91 patches from somewhere is a better solution. We should
rather generalize the setup so you can handle it outside BR and just
point BR to a repo or a directory full of patches.

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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