[Buildroot] embedded Linuxdistribution to start ELISA

Stephan Raue mailinglists at openelec.tv
Thu Mar 19 19:32:24 UTC 2009

I would like you to imagine my Project. Under http://www.openelec.tv 
you'll find a small embedded Linux distribution which Elisa for your 
HTPC project starts. There is still much to do and I want you to invite 
me in to help with development. Check out the sources via Launchpad 
download and with a simple "make" an image and the kernel was build . 
This both has a size of about 40MB and can be tested by qemu. 
Unfortunately I still have some problems with the Gstreamer installation 
so I want someone I can also help.

For questions, you can enjoy on the mailing list.


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