[Buildroot] UDEV Card reader

Pablo Trujillo pabloctrujillov at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 00:38:53 UTC 2009

Hi everyone this is my first post I don't know if is correct to ask
this here, My natural idiom is not  English so sorry for mistakes:

I was working with the buildroot around one year  and I'm very glad
for all its benefits to make a real small custom system.

Im trying with the udev system (no the mdev that come with busybox).
But the thing is that i don't understand why no work with card readers
I was searching in google and I found this:


I try that but nothing happen, I don't know why.

if I put the compact flash and later I insert the reader , the system
detect the card, but if I plug first the reader and after I put the
CF, nothing happen, I mean the plug & unplug event seem not to work.

If anyone can help me

by the way :X86 architecture.


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