[Buildroot] problems building vlc against git buildroot

Andrew Dyer amdyer at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 17:00:29 UTC 2009

Hi, I am trying to get VLC to build against the current git buildroot.
 It complains about not finding libiconv (see build log attached).

I notice that the vlc Configure.in doesn't specify that the libiconv
package is required for vlc.  I patched this like so

diff --git a/package/multimedia/vlc/Config.in b/package/multimedia/vlc/Config.in
index c8faaa7..4c7c77c 100644
--- a/package/multimedia/vlc/Config.in
+++ b/package/multimedia/vlc/Config.in
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
        bool "vlc"
+       select BR2_PACKAGE_LIBICONV
          a free cross-platform media player

and rebuilt, and now I get a libiconv in output/target/usr/lib

$ ls target/usr/lib/libiconv*
target/usr/lib/libiconv.la  target/usr/lib/libiconv.so.2
target/usr/lib/libiconv.so  target/usr/lib/libiconv.so.2.4.0

but the VLC configure is not picking up that libiconv is available.

the attached build log was captured after I did the following:
Patched the vlc config.in as above, rm'd the entire output directory,
did a make and vlc build errored, verified that libiconv was in the
target filesystem, and then did 'make 2>&1 | tee make.log'
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