[Buildroot] Issue for the integration of Codesourcery external toolchains

Lionel Landwerlin llandwerlin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 23:23:35 UTC 2010

Le lundi 04 janvier 2010 à 16:24 +0100, Thomas Petazzoni a écrit :
> Hello,
> Now that the new package infrastructure has been integrated, I started
> working again on the usage of Codesourcery toolchains as external
> toolchains in Buildroot. Compared to the Crosstool-NG toolchains that
> we already support, the main difference is that the Codesoucery
> toolchains are multilib.
> Unfortunately, I'm facing an issue for which I haven't found an issue
> and I'm therefore asking for your input and ideas on the matter.
> External toolchains in Buildroot
> ================================
> The external toolchain integration code is in
> toolchain/external-toolchain/ext-tool.mk. As the comment at the top of
> the file says, we basically do three things:
>  1. Do various checks of the toolchain and the compatibility between
>     the options configured in Buildroot and the configuration of the
>     toolchain.
>     One of the important check we do is to verify that the toolchain
>     supports the sysroot mechanism. This mechanism allows to copy all
>     the libraries and headers of the toolchain in another location,
>     and using the --sysroot option, tell the compiler/linker where
>     these files are located now. The location of the original sysroot
>     directory is found by running CROSS-gcc -v and looking at the
>     --with-sysroot configuration option of gcc.
>  2. From the toolchain, we copy the C library and other related
>     libraries needed at runtime into $(TARGET_DIR). This will ensure
>     that these libraries will be available on the target.
>     We assume that these libraries are available in the lib/ directory
>     of the original sysroot directory. The list of library to copy is
>     taken from a fixed list (EXTERNAL_LIBS in the code)
>  3. Finally, we copy the _complete_ sysroot directory into
>     $(STAGING_DIR). This allows to keep *all* libraries and headers (C
>     library but also other userspace libraries compiled later) into
>     the same directory. This solution makes it very easy to support
>     external toolchains, since we then only have to pass the --sysroot
>     $(STAGING_DIR) option to the compiler.
>     For reference, when we introduced external toolchain support, we
>     tried the solution to keep the C library/headers in their original
>     location, and with a combination of -I/-L option, point the
>     compiler/linker to the $(STAGING_DIR). But this solution raised a
>     lot of problems that we easily solved by using --sysroot.
> Codesoucery toolchains
> ======================
> The Codesourcery toolchain (at least the arm2009q1 I've been testing)
> are multilib toolchains. This means that within a single toolchain,
> several variants of the C library are available:
> $ arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -print-multi-lib
> .;
> armv4t;@march=armv4t
> thumb2;@mthumb at march=armv7
> We have one default variant, one variant for armv4t which is selected
> when -march=armv4t is passed on the gcc command line, and one variant
> for thumb2, which is selected when -mthumb -march=armv7 is passed on
> the gcc command line.
> Each variant is associated with a different sysroot:
> $ arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -print-sysroot
> /usr/local/xtools/arm-2009q1/bin/../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc
> $ arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -print-sysroot -march=armv4t
> /usr/local/xtools/arm-2009q1/bin/../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/armv4t
> $ arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -print-sysroot -march=armv7 -mthumb
> /usr/local/xtools/arm-2009q1/bin/../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/thumb2
> (Note: /usr/local/xtools/arm-2009q1/ is where I installed the
> toolchain)
> Issue with the Codesourcery toolchain
> =====================================
> The first obvious option that I tried was to copy the sysroot that
> correspond to the selected architecture. For example, copy only the
> contents of
> /usr/local/xtools/arm-2009q1/bin/../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc/armv4t
> to $(STAGING_DIR). Unfortunately, this doesn't work, since the header
> files are shared between the three sysroots (the armv4t and thumb2
> directories do not contain any header files).
> So there is no other choice that copying the full
> /usr/local/xtools/arm-2009q1/bin/../arm-none-linux-gnueabi/libc
> directory. This is the solution I implemented.
> Unfortunately, when you do this, you have the following hierarchy in
>  * armv4t
>    * lib
>    * usr
>      * lib
>  * lib
>  * thumb2
>    * lib
>    * usr
>      * lib
>  * usr
>    * include
>    * lib
> When the armv5t architecture is selected, everything works as
> expected: the includes are in $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include, the
> libraries in $(STAGING_DIR)/lib and $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib.
> When armv4t is selected, the include files are in
> $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include, but the libraries are in
> $(STAGING_DIR)/armv4t/lib and $(STAGING_DIR)/armv4t/usr/lib. And the
> linker *only* looks in these directories for the libraries.
> Unfortunately, all Buildroot packages install their libraries in
> $(STAGING_DIR)/lib and $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib, so the linker doesn't
> find them.
> For example, compiling zlib works, but compiling libpng fails because
> it cannot find zlib. This is because zlib has been installed in
> $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib and not in $(STAGING_DIR)/armv4t/usr/lib.
> Possible solutions
> ==================
>  * Build a more normal sysroot in $(STAGING_DIR) by combining the
>    contents of armv4t and the header files. But this would require
>    telling gcc that the libraries aren't in armv4t anymore. This is
>    probably possible using a custom spec file, but is quite
>    complicated.

To me, probably the best solution...
But why would it require a custom spec file ? --sysroot doesn't change
the headers and librairies' default path in that case ?

>  * Reconsider the solution of copying the sysroot, and try harder with
>    the more traditionnal -L/-I solutions.
For more we would need a different treatment for codesourcery toolchains
and "normal" toolchains. Sounds a bit like a nightmare... (Am I wrong ?)

>  * Another solution ?
> Thanks for reading such a long mail, and thanks in advance for your
> ideas!

I never worked with codesourcery's toolchains (as not working with ARM
Is the set of toolchain you're using available somewhere ?

> Thomas Petazzoni


By the way, we still have some problem with the current scripts setting
up the staging/target directories. Maybe I'm the only one who

Just like every other linker script :


might be processed to replace the default path, usually /lib/libc.so, by
We also need to copy thoses linker scripts to the target directory.
Otherwise you generate some kind of fucked up binaries when installing
librairies in target using libtool. In particular with the pthread_*
symbols, because some of them are defined in libc.so as weak symbols. So
you end up having librairies calling libc's weak symbols which volontary
crash because they might be replaced by the pthread's ones when
pthread.so is loaded.

I didn't noticed the problem with basic monothreaded tools (busybox,
bash, etc...), until I compile things like directfb which crashes 
incomprehensibly early at startup.

Fixing this kind of problem is on my todo list, but I don't have a lot
of free time these days to make a clean fix. I wanted to let people
know, so they don't spend 2/3 days finding that kind of vicious bugs
(whether we can consider that as a bug) ...


Lionel Landwerlin

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