[Buildroot] Steps to add a new board

Phil Edworthy Phil.Edworthy at renesas.com
Mon Jun 28 13:09:05 UTC 2010



I've been using Buildroot for a Renesas SH4 device (SH7724) on a MS7724
development board, so first of all many thanks for all your work!

In order to get the board going, I've had to make a number of changes and
want to feed these back... However, there are a few things I'd like to iron


Right now I'm using an external toolchain (CodeSourcery) as I had some
problems building the kernel using the BR generated toolchain. Would you
accept patches based on using an external toolchain? I guess this causes
problems for the board's defconfig.


Regarding the directory structure, I assume that I should populate
target/device/Renesas/MS7724 with the kernel & busybox configs and
device_table.txt. For the kernel, I'm using 2.6.33 with a few patches, so
under this dir I should have a kernel-patches dir for patches required and
these patches should start with linux-2.6.33-  is this correct?


I also use a post build script to fix securetty (the device needs ttySC0)
and also add an mdev script to /etc/init.d along with mdef.conf.

Atmel provides its own target skeleton, but I only need to fix securetty. Is
there a better way to do this? Since the need for ttySC0 means
target/generic/Config.in has to be fixed, surely it makes sense to fix the
generic securetty?


I notice that other boards only setup mdev via a replacement target
skeleton. Should I be doing this instead of a post build script? Is there a
way to apply a patch to the generic skeleton?


Thanks for any help,





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