[Buildroot] [PATCH] libnl: bump to version 2.0

Yegor Yefremov yegor_sub1 at visionsystems.de
Thu Apr 28 12:26:32 UTC 2011

Am 28.04.2011 14:17, schrieb Gustavo Zacarias:
> On 04/28/11 04:26, Yegor Yefremov wrote:
>>>>> I see there's already a libnl-3.0, is there any reason why you stick
>>>>> with 2.0?
>>>> You're right. I first tried 3.0 and it failed by some package, so I took 2.0 and didn't verify what was wrong. But I just checked the 3.0 version and it works with all 5 packages:
>>>> wpa_supplicant
>>>> iw
>>>> hostapd
>>>> kismet
>>>> ti-utils
>>> iw fails to build with 3.0
>>> kismet builds without libnl support with 3.0
>>> hostapd & wpa_supplicant build ok with your patches.
>>> Did you make clean completely before trying? Otherwise you'll get stale
>>> files in staging.
>>> Regards
>> You're right, that were stale files in staging. I made a patch for iw and will send it also upstream.
>> I'll look into kismet issue or has it gone with the latest version?
>> Best regards,
>> Yegor
> Latest kismet doesn't handle libnl-3.0 yet and i've just received your
> patch for it.
> I'll give the whole set a run and Ack once i'm done, we probably want
> libnl-3.0 while we're at it like Peter said. It's supposed to be the
> first API/ABI-stable version.
> Regards.

O.K. Thanks for testing. I'm looking forward to getting the test results.


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