[Buildroot] ssh-keygen seg fault

Kyle Hayes kyle at greenmonitor.com
Fri Jan 14 19:29:29 UTC 2011

OK, now back to this...

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Thomas Petazzoni
<thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com> wrote:
> Hi Kyle,
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2011 09:00:16 -0800
> Kyle Hayes <kyle at greenmonitor.com> wrote:
>> I am currently using a custom distro based on Ubuntu 8.04 with as many
>> packages trimmed as I can easily do.  This still makes the base CF
>> card image more than 400MB.  Buildroot is making a base image of about
>> 6MB.  I intend to use extlinux' ability to concatenate multiple
>> initramfs files to keep our software (which revs fairly often)
>> separate from OpenVPN config (which doesn't change too often) separate
>> from the core root filesystem.
> Sounds good. Didn't know that extlinux was able to do this kind of
> things. By the way, do you build extlinux with Buildroot or separatly ?
> If built with Buildroot, does it work ? Is there anything we should
> improve on that side ?

I am using extlinux from the syslinux distribution included with
Ubuntu 10.04 (my build workstation). I have not tried to build it with
Buildroot as it is not a tool for the target, but something that I
used when setting up the CF card.  It isn't the easiest thing to
figure out (the config file for extlinux has a different _mandatory_
file extension than the config file for syslinux!), but once you get
it working, it is pretty slick.

>> I will try dropbear and see if that works any better.  OpenSSH works
>> fine out-of-the box for the Ubuntu 8.04 version so I'm suspicious that
>> it is something about the way it is built or with the current version
>> of OpenSSH.
> Yes, it's definitely something wrong in the build process, and it'd be
> great to sort it out.

Dropbear appears to work.  It built RSA and DSA keys without barfing.
However, there was something else I found, see at the bottom.

> Would you mind running ssh-keygen under gdbserver+cross-gdb as
> suggested in my first e-mail ? Or run "ulimit -c unlimited" on your
> board, get ssh-keygen to crash, and then transfer the core file to your
> development workstation, and get a backstrace with the cross-gdb. That
> would immediatly point us to the segfault location, which would really,
> really help in understanding what the issue is.

I'll do this when I regress my build options back to where I had them.
 I have something working and I want to save this configuration so
that I can come back to it if I need to.

I was looking for clues in the fact that my previous custom kernel was
built for a 586, not a 486.  I checked in my old .config files and the
586 options, NOT Pentium was checked.  This support AMD K6-2
processors etc.  I changed Buildroot's configuration to select the
i386 processor family and Pentium processors as there was not an
option that matched the kernel exactly.  I tried to build the system
and then installed it.  The kernel failed to boot saying that it was
the wrong processor version?!

I checked the .config file for the kernel and found that Pentium-Pro
was selected! Huh?  I ran make menuconfig in the kernel build
directory and reset everything back the way I thought it should be and
rebuilt.  That worked.  I'm still confused as to how the kernel came
to be configured for the wrong processor.  I now have a fully working
base system.  At least as far as I have tested it.  I have not tested
logging into dropbear remotely.

I will now start undoing my changes and test to find out where things
go wrong.  I will first make the selected Buildroot CPU type = i486
and see what that does to the kernel CPU type.  I will then set it
back to Pentium to see if that is where the Pentium-Pro selection came


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