[Buildroot] connman fails on uclibc

Daniele Salvatore Albano info at daccii.it
Sun Feb 5 14:07:27 UTC 2012

I'm trying to get connman working on uclibc.

I've seen that connman has been commited to git so i've pulled last 
updates and trying with them.

However, i got two problems:
- connman wants uclibc snapshot, but uclibc-0.9.33 sholdn't works fine? 
resolver isn't there?
- connman wants backtrace support that, as far i understand, is a glibc 
specific feature, so i've made a simple patch to avoid using backtrace 
on uclibc, but there isn't any way to have backtrace on uclibc to make 
connman happy?

I'm using ct-ng 1.14.0 patched to support uclibc 0.9.33.

Initially i've compiled the toolchain with only 
UCLIBC_HAS_RESOLVER_SUPPORT without any success because connman 
configure continued to fail (ns_initparse symbol/resolver missing), so 
i've selected UCLIBC_HAS_LIBRESOLV_STUB, but i don't know if it will 
work, i'm yet compiling.

Any ideas?

Best Regards,

Daniele Salvatore Albano                | web site:
  IT Consultant                          | http://www.itechcon.it
  Mobile Software Development            | http://www.daccii.it
  Webapps Design and Development         |
  Software Engineer and Developer        | e-mail:
  Linux Servers SetUp And Administration | info at itechcon.it
  Embedded Network Solutions             | d.albano at itechcon.it

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