[Buildroot] Buildroot networking problems

Peter Korsgaard jacmet at uclibc.org
Tue Feb 7 20:45:32 UTC 2012

>>>>> "Jigar" == Jigar SOLANKI <jigar.solanki at labri.fr> writes:


 >> Please provide some more info. Please paste output of ipconfig -a. What
 >> kind of errors do you get?

 Jigar> I do not have any errors. The ping just simply do not respond. The
 Jigar> packets are lost.

 Jigar> There are two interfaces eth0 and lo.

 Jigar> eth0 :  IP: Gw :

 Jigar> So, when I ping from, I dont have any response :
 Jigar> the packets are lost, tcpdump on the gw ( shows incoming
 Jigar> ICMP packets, though !

But no reply? If the packets are wellformed the gw should reply. Could
you show up the tcpdump output please?

Bye, Peter Korsgaard

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