[Buildroot] Ext4 rootfs option

Michael S. Zick minimod at morethan.org
Thu Feb 9 14:02:46 UTC 2012

On Wed February 8 2012, Peter Korsgaard wrote:
> >>>>> "Arnout" == Arnout Vandecappelle <arnout at mind.be> writes:
> Hi,
>  Arnout>  I currently use genext2fs, followed by tune2fs to add the
>  Arnout> journal and e2fsck to fix the incorrect FS version number.  But
>  Arnout> it's extremely inefficient, especially since genext2fs first
>  Arnout> builds the filesystem in memory before committing to the output
>  Arnout> image.  Not good when you want to create a 500GB partition :-)
> Wow, you're using Buildroot for systems with 500GB rootfs? Must be those
> binary video codecs / GPU drivers you were talking about ;)

Naw, this is the embedded inventory system for the home refrigerator.
Leaves room for a bit of meal variety week-to-week. ;)


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