[Buildroot] [Bug 4796] New: apply-patches.sh reorders patches given on the command line

Ludovic Desroches ludovic.desroches at atmel.com
Mon Feb 27 08:26:16 UTC 2012


Sorry I don't know if it's the good way to answer on the mailing list
instead of bugzilla.

Since my goal is to discuss about sorting or not sorting in relation with
the patch is sent, I choose the mailing list.

> When support/scripts/apply-patches.sh is given an explicit list of patches
> instead of a template, they are sorted by name before being applied. This is
> bad as sometimes the order of patches is important, e.g. if one patch depends
> on another one. This happens e.g. when applying Debian patches whose order is
> explicitly described in the file debian/patches/series.
> The culprit is a "ls -d" which has to be changed to "ls -dU" in order to
> prevent sorting to take place. I have attached a corresponding patch.

This patch contradicts the patches I have done to manage archive containing
several patches in a proper way.

For instance, we have an archive containing patches (from a git branch) whose
names should be 0001-patch1, 0002-patch2, etc. If we don't use sorting they
would not be applied in the good order.

I was suspecting that we would have some issues with some kind of patches as
debian ones.

What should be the good solution? Changing patch naming rules? Managing in a
specific way some kind of patch? Don't sort a list of patches but sort the
patches extracted into a directory?



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