[Buildroot] (no subject)

Vellemans, Noel Noel.Vellemans at visionBMS.com
Fri Mar 16 10:36:27 UTC 2012

Hi all, 
I'm struggling some day's now to get Webkit 1.6.3 (and even some later
versions 1.7.xx.xx ) running on Arm Cortex-A8 (build with GCC 4.5.x, and
uclibc0.9.33 )

Compiling is not a problem, this works (with some patches, depending on
the version of weskit I build I build.)

BUT: I'm having random crashes (when run the GtkLauncher on the target),
that I can not explain, or find where it goes wrong.

It must be in one of the libraries, but because I do not have any
'repetitive' core-dumps, it is hard to figure out what is going on, when
looking at these core dumps. 

I guess some basic-stuff (like fore example, locking.. or whatever...
malloc/free... troubles) that is not working, it is to strange what
happens, in  these core-dumps i never see somthing that is pointing to
the same crash-reason.

NOTE: When I do compile Weskit-1.2.7 (that was working before) with the
same set of libraries/uclibc.... (as I use to build 1.6.3 now), I do get
'RANDOM'-crashes as well.

I've included some core-dumps trace-back's (hope this is not to big for
the mailing-list) maybe someone gets a idea where I can take a look at.

Regards, and thanks.

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