[Buildroot] Qt mouse, keyboard, touchscreen

Zoran Djordjevic djdjdjole at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 24 09:19:24 UTC 2012

Thanks to helpful information you provided, I managed to built
simple Qt application on my ARM board and it works - meaning
I got some window and some simple effect inside. I am using 
framebuffer so started program with -qws option.
However mouse, keyboard and touchscreen are dead. In fact they 
are probably visible by kernel (ts_calibrate and ts_test for example,
works OK and cat /dev/input/event0 shows "usuall" garbage on 
terminal) however I don't know how to start them to work with Qt.
I successfully started them earlier while using TinyX and GTK, by
simply quoting them with xinit command parameters.
But don't know how to do the same with Qt.
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