[Buildroot] Fwd: Re: Basic questions about using BuildRoot

Arnout Vandecappelle arnout at mind.be
Tue Sep 18 22:06:16 UTC 2012

On 09/17/12 12:43, Thomas De Schampheleire wrote:
> If you're only interested in the rootfs, you could use the original,
> working u-boot and use the rootfs from buildroot. Have you tried that?
>> >
>> >  One question beyond the theme: is it possible to build only Root FS
>> >  compatible with some external Kernel without any tool and if so how to do
>> >  that?

  Indeed, it is entirely possible to use buildroot to build a rootfs and
combine it with a pre-built kernel.  There is usually no dependency
of an executable on a specific kernel version, because the kernel
ABI is backward-compatible. When you build an internal or
crosstool-NG toolchain in buildroot, however, do make sure that
you use kernel headers with a sufficiently low version (smaller than
or equal to the pre-built kernel you use).

  If you do want to build a custom kernel later on, you need two
things: the source and the config. Whoever gave you the kernel
binary is also obliged to give you the source (GPL), so that should
be doable. The config you can usually get from the running kernel,
in /proc/config.gz.

  Good luck!



Arnout Vandecappelle             arnout dot vandecappelle at essensium dot com
Senior Embedded Software Architect . . +32-16-286540 . +32-478-010353 (mobile)
Essensium, Mind division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . http://www.mind.be
G.Geenslaan 9, 3001 Leuven, Belgium . . . . . . . . BE 872 984 063 RPR Leuven
LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/arnoutvandecappelle
GPG fingerprint: 31BB CF53 8660 6F88 345D 54CC A836 5879 20D7 CF43

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