[Buildroot] Report from the Buildroot Developers Meeting

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com
Tue Feb 12 14:18:23 UTC 2013

Dear Daniel Nyström,

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 15:14:37 +0100, Daniel Nyström wrote:

> According to the announcement of udev and systemd being merged, they
> claimed udev would still be able to be build independently (although
> through the systemd source tree of course). I requested some info
> regarding the D-Bus dependency in #systemd and here is the dialog:
> < speakman> Just heard about udev and systemd merging. And it seems
> like udev can still be compiled individually although from the same
> source tree as systemd. But how about it's DBus dependency - will
> "udev" compile without D-Bus libraries?
> < ssuominen> speakman: yes, but you have to call specific Makefile.am
> targets individually... and set environment flags DBUS_CFLAGS=' ' and
>                    ' to get past the ./configure check
> < ssuominen> speakman: gentoo is packaging udev like that, and ebuilds
> are mostly bash, you could take look at the rather complex setup from
> the ebuild

Interesting, thanks for asking about this topic.

Note that there was an effort last year to make this easier:
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.hotplug.devel/17478. But it
doesn't seem to have been merged, and the systemd maintainers don't
think building D-Bus is a problem:

> Regarding Buildroot I assume dbus and systemd will merge into one
> single package. Are there anything preventing "systemd" from being
> "optional" and depend on D-Bus only when enabled?

Why would systemd and dbus would merge into one single package? Are you
sure you didn't confuse with "systemd and udev would merge into one
single package" ?

Best regards,

Thomas Petazzoni, Free Electrons
Kernel, drivers, real-time and embedded Linux
development, consulting, training and support.

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