[Buildroot] New kernel source mode [Proposal]

Przemyslaw Wrzos przemyslaw.wrzos at calyptech.com
Fri Jan 18 01:10:05 UTC 2013

Hi Stephen,

Just an update to the patch I sent in yesterday. Between trying to get
both the generic and non-generic versions working I seem to have
introduced a bug at some point into my proposed patch for the linux
kernel. I'm including an updated version for you to look at (just a
missing line that caused the download step to try to download a
nonsensical non-existent file).

One other thing I should note about the patch which I didn't elaborate
on yesterday. After digging around in the linux source code there
doesn't seem to be a way to perform the buildroot_defconfig make step in
an out of tree build so I had to settle for simply copying the
configuration file across.

Przemyslaw Wrzos
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