[Buildroot] Does buildroot toolchain support GNU EABI?

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Wed May 22 17:37:03 UTC 2013

Woody, All,

On 2013-05-22 23:12 +0800, Woody Wu spake thusly:
> 在 2013-5-22 PM5:34,"Yegor Yefremov" <yegorslists at googlemail.com>写道:
> >
> > On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Woody Wu <narkewoody at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I found my buildroot toolchain is using EABI version 5. But I want to
> > > create executable run an existed system that is using GNU EABI.
> > >
> > > Actuall, I don't know what GNU EABI is.  Can I configure buildroot to
> > > support this? And, how?
> >
> > BR toolchains are always EABI unless you specify it to generate OABI
> > binaries. See Wikipaedia for EABI info:
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EABI#EABI
> >
> > Yegor
> Hi, Yegor
> When I compile my new program using buildroot toolchain and link it to a
> old shared library buit from another uClibC toolchain, it reported EABI
> version mismatch. My new program is EABI version 5, and the expected to be
> linked (-lfoo) is EABI version 0. When using readelf to check the library
> file, it reported it's GNU EABI.  That why I thought I should try to make
> my buildroot to generate GNU EABI object.  If I messed some concept, could
> you please tell me what should I do?

I don't know the details but "GNU EABI" (aka "EABI v0") was following
the draft EABI (there's also EABIv4 floating around with the same
shortcomings), and was incompatible with the final EABI. That's more or
less what I understood myself (but I may be wrong).

So, today's toolchains do not produce EABIv0 (nor EABIv4) binaries, only
EABIv5; this is the case for Buildroot-built toolchains.

If you want to target these libraries, you have to use the same toolchain
as was used to build your library. Buildroot won't be able to build one
for you.

Besides, if you wanted to build such a toolchain, you'd have to use the
tools that were current at the time, not the latest versions.

Yann E. MORIN.

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