[Buildroot] [PATCH 09/12] manual: rework Deploying images chapter

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com
Fri Nov 1 16:36:51 UTC 2013

Dear Samuel Martin,

On Fri, 18 Oct 2013 22:31:33 +0200, Samuel Martin wrote:

> +[[deploying-images]]
> +Deploying target images built with Buildroot
> +============================================
> +
> +After having run Buildroot, you will have a brand new kernel,
> +bootloader and filesystem for your target exported in the
> +'output/images' directory.

"exported" ? Doesn't make much sense I believe. "available" many?

After having run Buildroot, depending on your configuration, you will
find in the +output/images/+ directory a combination of a kernel image,
one or several bootloader images, and one or several root filesystem
images in various formats.

> +The content of this directory depends on the selected options in the
> +Buildroot configuration, especially those from the +Kernel+,
> ++filesystem images+ and +bootloaders+ menus.

This can be removed if the above formulation is used, I believe.

> +
> +You probably want to do one of the following:
> +
> +* Copy and install the images on the target device to boot and test it.
> +
> +* Write the images to removable media that can be booted on the target
> +  device.
> +
> +* Boot and test the images...

Why do we have "..." at the end of this sentence? Also, I don't see how
this case fits with the other items in this list.

> +* deploy and/or install the freshly built images on the target to boot
> +  and test it;

So the previous items start with a capital letter and end with a dot,
this one starts without a capital letter, and ends with a semi-colon.

I also don't see how it is different from the first item in your list.

> +* boot and test the images in emulators (http://wiki.qemu.org/Main_Page[Qemu],
> +  http://www.linaro.org/engineering/engineering-projects/armv8[Foundation_v8]
> +  --- an AArch64 emulator, ...);
> +
> +* generate a virtual disk to dump to real system or to use in
> +  virtualization systems (http://wiki.qemu.org/Main_Page[Qemu],
> +  https://www.virtualbox.org/[VirtualBox], ...).
> +  This is mostly useful for 'i386' and 'x86_64' targets architecture.

You're already talking about emulation in the previous item.

> +This part of the work is really depending on each project and
> +hardware, so we cannot describe every solution here. This is where
> +Buildroot's work ends. The rest of this chapter gives some general
> +examples and hints about how the images can be deployed to the target
> +device. This is _not_ an exact guide and doesn't provide full details.
> +Please take the time to have a look to referred projects to get those
> +details.
> +
> +
> +Deploying images on the target hardware
> +---------------------------------------
> +
> +Buildroot comes with a set of minimal configurations that allow to
> +boot various existing targets, from different vendors.
> +
> +All these configurations are stored in the 'configs/' directory.
> +Most of these configurations also come with a directory
> +'board/<vendor name>/<platform name>', for additional resources.
> +Some of them also contain a 'readme.txt' file with information about
> +flashing and/or booting the given platform.
> +
> +Nevertheless, how to deploy the generated images on actual hardware is
> +very board-specific. Buildroot cannot provide instructions for all
> +boards, or even provide complete instructions for a single board.
> +Please refer to the instructions provided by the target vendor.
> +
> +Be careful when flashing the images into the target, *the _board's_
> +readme files coming within Buildroot are provided without warranty of
> +any kind*.
> +They are contributions from Buildroot users, but Buildroot developers
> +do not ensure their correctness, nor maintain them.

This section is entitled "Deploying images on the hardware", but talks
about Buildroot defconfigs and the fact that for those defconfigs, we
have documentation. This isn't really helping much to deploy Buildroot
on hardware.

> +Deploying images over the network
> +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> +
> +It is common to boot the target over the network when dealing with
> +embedded devices, whatever the reasons could be:
> +
> +* to speed-up the in-progress images test during the development
> +  phase;
> +* to avoid premature wear or the flash memory devices;
> +* to deploy the actual production images on the hardware;
> +* or because the target is not equipped with memory storage;
> +* ...
> +
> +To achieve network-boot, there are several methods that depend on both
> +the facility network infrastructure and the targets. Among these, the
> +most common are:
> +
> +* TFTP boot
> +* NFS boot
> +* PXE boot (x86-specific)
> +
> +
> +TFTP boot
> +^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +Depending on the bootloader installed on the target, it may be
> +possible to download the kernel image through the network, using the
> +TFTP protocol, loading it in RAM, then jump into it.
> +
> +For further information, refer to the bootloader documentation.
> +
> +Here is some related documentation to TFTP server setup and TFTP boot:
> +
> +* http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch16_:_Telnet,_TFTP,_and_xinetd#TFTP
> +* https://linuxlink.timesys.com/docs/linux_tftp
> +* http://www.webune.com/forums/how-to-install-tftp-server-in-linux.html
> +
> +
> +NFS boot
> +^^^^^^^^
> +
> +Loading the kernel over NFS
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +
> +Depending on the bootloader installed on the target, it may be
> +possible to download the kernel image through the network, using the
> +NFS protocol, loading it in RAM, then jump into it.
> +
> +For further information, refer to the bootloader documentation.
> +
> +[[deploying-images-nfs-links]]
> +Here is some related documentation to NFS server setup and NFS boot:
> +
> +* http://tldp.org/HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO/index.html
> +* https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/nfs/nfsroot.txt
> +* https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NFS
> +* http://www.solid-run.com/mw/index.php/Setup_NFS_boot
> +* http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php?title=Network_Boot_-_NFS
> +* http://www.armadeus.com/wiki/index.php?title=NFS
> +
> +NFS root filesystem mounted on +/+
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"NFS root filesystem mounted on /" seems a bit redundant, no?

> +
> +The idea is to mount +/+ using a network shared folder from an
> +http://tldp.org/HOWTO/NFS-HOWTO/index.html[NFS] server
> +(usually on the host development machine).
> +
> +To enable the NFS boot, you should select the _tar root filesystem_
> +option in the _Filesystem images_ menu.
> +
> +The target kernel needs at least the following options:
> +
> +* NFS filesystem support (+CONFIG_NFS_FS+);
> +
> +* Root filesystem on NFS (+CONFIG_ROOT_NFS+);
> +
> +* Ethernet (+CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET+);
> +
> +* The ethernet driver for the target network interface;
> +
> +* IP: kernel level autoconfiguration. This includes:
> +
> +  * +CONFIG_IP_PNP+;
> +
> +After a complete build, just run the following command to setup the
> +NFS root directory on the server:
> +
> +-------------------
> +sudo tar -xavf /path/to/output_dir/rootfs.tar -C /path/to/nfs_root_dir
> +-------------------
> +
> +Make sure the NFS root location appears in the +/etc/exports+ file,
> +and an NFS daemon is running on the server.
> +
> +After editing +/etc/exports+, you should run:
> +
> +-------------------
> +sudo exportfs -ra
> +-------------------
> +
> +To boot on a NFS root-filesystem, adjust the kernel command line
> +parameters (see https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt
> +and the xref:deploying-images-nfs-links[above links]).
> +
> +For further information, refer to the
> +xref:deploying-images-nfs-links[above links].
> +
> +
> +Network PXE bootloader
> +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> +
> +[NOTE]
> +This section is mostly x86 target specific.

U-Boot has gained PXE support some time ago :)

> +To fully boot on the network you need a network bootloader. This is
> +optional and you could use your classic bootloader to mount an NFS
> +rootfs.

I don't understand this paragraph. How can the bootloader mount an NFS
rootfs ?

> +http://download.intel.com/design/archives/wfm/downloads/pxespec.pdf[PXE]
> +is a specification that has been implemented at least by
> +http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php/PXELINUX[PXELINUX] and
> +http://ipxe.org/[iPXE].

And U-Boot.

> +The main idea is to have a DHCP server that provides a link to a
> +generic boot ROM that is accessible from a TFTP server.

Is DHCP really the protocol used at the root of PXE? I thought it was

> +Then your target boots with it and comes back to the TFTP server to
> +get the specific stuff (for instance its boot menu).

"the specific stuff" doesn't sound really precise.

> +Here are some hints on how to setup this:

"set this up" ?

> +
> +* http://www.digitalpeer.com/id/linuxnfs
> +
> +
> +Deploying images on removable media
> +-----------------------------------
> +
> +How the target device is close to the actual hardware, 


> so Buildroot
> +cannot provides any information how to achieve it for every single

provides -> provide

"it" ?

> +target. For boards that use the same processor as one of the boards
> +supported by Buildroot, the 'readme.txt' can be a good starting point.
> +
> +In addition, Buildroot provides tools that run on your host that can
> +help generating bootable media or booting a device over USB, serial or
> +the network.
> +
> +[NOTE]
> +Some of these tools are not really well documented, you may need to
> +browse the source trees to find out how to use them.

source trees of what?

> +
> +
> +Preparing a bootable raw disk file for virtualization
> +-----------------------------------------------------
> +
> +[NOTE]
> +This section is mostly x86 target specific.
> +
> +If you plan to use virtual machines, or to copy a binary bootable
> +image to your target, you may need to create a _disk image_.
> +
> +To create a bootable raw _disk image_ file, you will need to:
> +
> +* create an empty file with the +dd+ command;
> +
> +* edit the partition table of this _disk image_ file using some tools
> +  like +fdisk+ (be careful when using +fdisk+; mis-usage can damage
> +  the host machine. Look at its manpage before using it;

The parenthesis is never closed.

> +
> +* install the MBR;
> +
> +* create nodes in +/dev+ pointing to the _disk image_ and its
> +  partitions (as you will have with +/dev/sda+, +/dev/sda1+,
> +  +/dev/sda2+, etc) with
> +  http://robert.penz.name/73/kpartx-a-tool-for-mounting-partitions-within-an-image-file/[kpartx];

This isn't clear enough, at least to me.

> +
> +* mount one or several partitions of the _disk image_ with the +mount+
> +  command;
> +
> +* populate the root partition by extracting into it the
> +  root-filesystem tarball generated by Buildroot.
> +
> +
> +Deploying images in emulators
> +-----------------------------
> +
> +Buildroot comes with a set of configurations for various
> +architectures running in http://wiki.qemu.org/Main_Page['Qemu'], or
> +http://www.linaro.org/engineering/engineering-projects/armv8['Foundation_v8']
> +(an AArch64 emulator).
> +
> +These configurations are stored under the 'board/qemu/<target name>'
> +and 'board/arm/foundation-v8' directories.
> +
> +Each of these configurations has a 'defconfig' and comes with a
> ++readme.txt+ file providing details to use the built images with
> +the emulator.
> +
> +They are regularly tested and maintained by the Buildroot core
> +developers.
> +
> +If you built one of these configurations and have 'Qemu' or
> +'Foundation_v8' installed on your host machine, booting the images
> +should be straight forward.
> +
> +
> +Chroot'ing into target image
> +----------------------------
> +
> +If you want to 'chroot' in a generated image, then there are few things
> +you should be aware of:
> +
> +* you should setup the new root from the _tar root filesystem_ image;
> +
> +* either the selected target architecture is compatible with your host
> +  machine, or you should use some +qemu-*+ binary and correctly set it
> +  within the +binfmt+ properties to be able to run the binaries built
> +  for the target on your host machine;

A reference would be good here.

> +* Buildroot does not currently provide +host-qemu+ nor +binfmt+
> +  correctly built and set for that kind of use. This usage is beyond
> +  Buildroot scope.
> diff --git a/docs/manual/manual.txt b/docs/manual/manual.txt
> index 9ae658e..f179199 100644
> --- a/docs/manual/manual.txt
> +++ b/docs/manual/manual.txt
> @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ include::starting-up.txt[]
>  include::working-with.txt[]
> +include::deploying-images.txt[]
> +
>  include::faq-troubleshooting.txt[]
>  include::known-issues.txt[]
> @@ -31,8 +33,6 @@ include::developer-guide.txt[]
>  include::legal-notice.txt[]
> -include::beyond-buildroot.txt[]
> -
>  include::get-involved.txt[]
>  include::contribute.txt[]
> diff --git a/docs/manual/using.txt b/docs/manual/using.txt
> index de29ad6..783370d 100644
> --- a/docs/manual/using.txt
> +++ b/docs/manual/using.txt
> @@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ Buildroot output is stored in a single directory, +output/+.
>  This directory contains several subdirectories:
>  * +images/+ where all the images (kernel image, bootloader and root
> -  filesystem images) are stored.
> +  filesystem images) are stored. For further details for using/booting
> +  the images, refer to xref:deploying-images[].
>  * +build/+ where all the components except for the cross-compilation
>    toolchain are built (this includes tools needed to run Buildroot on

Thomas Petazzoni, CTO, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux, Kernel and Android engineering

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