[Buildroot] glib-networking when using gtlsconnection fails

Bernhard Schuster schuster.bernhard at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 16 15:48:51 UTC 2013


I am trying to cross compile a application which works just fine on my 
x86_64 machine for a ARMv5TE "gadget". Unfortunately something really 
weird happens: Altough having selected gnutls in order to use TLS with 
glib-networking (GTlsConnection), I always get an error as soon as the 
combined cert/key pem file is read (it exists, has proper permissions, 
all tripple checked). The error always contains "TLS unsupported" or 
"no TLS support" (can not recall, currently away from that machine) 
altough the config.h of glib-networking says the opposite. The binary 
is statically compiled (which worked fine so far).

I am puzzled on how to fix my issue, I already tried to fix it by 
adding a couple of commandline opts explicitly (though they say that 
they are enabled by default, thus - as expected - nothing changed).

Also note that I have a similar issue with pcre (required for GRegex), 
where I pass --enable-utf8 but it still did not fix anything.

Any help, hint, tip is appreciated.

Buildroot 2013.08 is used together with the code sourcery 2011/2013 



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