[Buildroot] [PATCH 1/3] support for cubieboard2 added

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com
Mon Sep 16 18:07:48 UTC 2013

Dear Carlos Quijano,

Generally looks good, except:

On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 12:52:05 +0200, Carlos Quijano wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Carlos Quijano <carlos at crqgestion.es>
> ---
>  board/cubietech/cubieboard2/boot.cmd               |    4 +
>  .../cubieboard2/cubieboard2_kernel.config          | 3158 ++++++++++++++++++++

The kernel configuration should be a minimal defconfig, generated with
'make ARCH=arm savedefconfig'. See the size of the kernel configuration
files for the other platforms.

Also, the file should be named just kernel.config, or linux.config, or
linux-<version>.config. Having the name of the board in the filename is
useless since it's already in a directory named after the board.


Thomas Petazzoni, Free Electrons
Kernel, drivers, real-time and embedded Linux
development, consulting, training and support.

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