[Buildroot] add ghostscript to buildroot

William Frost tsmrnd0 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 07:11:54 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

I have been working with buildroot for little more than one year. I think is 
great tool. Some months ago I needed to cross-compile DCMTK library (it is not 
included in buildroot) for DICOM image file management and PACS connectivity. 
By following your online help I managed to add this package and successfully 
cross-compile and use it (if needed I can provide the files just let me know 

Anyway, at this moment I need to cross-compile GhostScript (any version is 
good enough for me). But this is really complicated, I'm getting errors every 
where. I notice that openwrt has already included GhostScript 
) so at this moment I'm trying to port this package to buildroot. Buildroot 
and “openwrt buildroot” are similar tools so I guess that with some 
modifications it can be added to Buildroot. But my Buildroot knowledge it not 
that good (I hope with more time and practice it gets better ;)).

I need GhostScript to convert ps files to the file that will be sent to the 
printer (I don’t know this format name). I already have a ppd parser, so I 
just need to convert the ps file to the other format to open “/dev/usb/lp0” and 
write it inside. 


Is there any interest in adding Ghostscript package to buildroot in the near 
Does anyone has some hints about porting packages from openwrt to buildroot 
that I can use as guide?

Thank you very much for your attention.
William Frost

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