[Buildroot] Adding google-breakpad to buildroot

Pascal Hürst pascal.huerst at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 14:21:46 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,

we are planing to add google-breakpad to buildroot. 

From the project description at

[...] "Breakpad is a library and tool suite that allows you to
distribute an application to users with compiler-provided debugging
information removed, record crashes in compact "minidump" files, send
them back to your server, and produce C and C++ stack traces from these
minidumps." [...]

Adding a package to buildroot is easy, but in this case we will have to
find a way to extract all symbols from the target binaries, before they
get stripped. My idea was to add a new target to the Makefile, just
before "target-finalize:" and check against an option in the config


and then:

        extract symbols and deploy result to output/images 

Is this basically the way to go, or is there a better way to achieve

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