[Buildroot] [PATCH] syslinux: install helper programs to the host

Frank Hunleth fhunleth at troodon-software.com
Mon Apr 21 14:55:13 UTC 2014


On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr> wrote:
> Frank, All,
> On 2014-04-21 10:30 -0400, Frank Hunleth spake thusly:
>> On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Yann E. MORIN <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr> wrote:
>> > As I am also working on this, if you just posted your changes (on the
>> > list on in a public git tree), I can incorporate your changes I am
>> > missing, and submit those.
>> I've attached my current progress just in case there's something of
>> use, but I suspect that you're farther along.
> Woot! :-) In fact, you are farther than me! I still did not had a need
> for usl of upx.

Just a note, I've convinced myself that there's no way that upx will
do the right thing on cross-compiled executables. I suspect that it
will work on my x86 setup since the host and target are the same
architecture, but not in general. I didn't get far enough to verify it

> This patch is missing your SoB. Could you just resend with your SoB
> added? Then I'll handle all the nitty-gritty work of finishing this, and
> pushing upstream.

Done! And thanks. Let me know if I can help by testing anything in my setup.

Thanks again,

> Regards,
> Yann E. MORIN.
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> '------------------------------^-------^------------------^--------------------'
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