[Buildroot] [PATCH] prevent recursion in %_defconfig rules

Romain Naour romain.naour at openwide.fr
Mon Jan 20 22:58:28 UTC 2014

Le 20/01/2014 09:13, Jeremy Rosen a écrit :
> aaand reproduced.
> following the steps described, I get that problem systematically
> I use make 3.81 (debian testing) and I'm not sure what else is
> involved when crashing that early.
> I tried with LANG=C in case there was anything weird, but apparently not
> My make skills are not very high so i'll gladly take any help on
> figuring that one out...
> Cordialement
> Jérémy Rosen
> +33 (0)1 42 68 28 04
> fight key loggers : write some perl using vim
> Open Wide Ingenierie
> 23, rue Daviel
> 75012 Paris - France
> www.openwide.fr
> ----- Mail original -----
>>>> Jérémy, can you describe your setup, so we can try to reproduce
>>>> it,
>>>> and
>>>> find a proper fix?
>> Ok, i'll look into it and try to figure out...
>> it's really weird that you were not able to reproduce with the steps
>>   in the patch, it was pretty systematic for me. I'll try to reproduce
>> and report whatever I find
Hi Jérémy, Yann

I'm able to reproduce the issue here.

There is no specific setup, I used my current buildroot directory and run:

make O=.. BR2_EXTERNAL=.. raspberrypi_defconfig
make: stat: /home/naourr/git/buildroot/configs/../configs/../configs/..
../configs/raspberrypi_defconfig ». Stop


make O=../output BR2_EXTERNAL=.. raspberrypi_defconfig
make: stat: /home/naourr/git/buildroot/configs/../configs/../configs/..
../configs/raspberrypi_defconfig ». Stop

But it's ok with :

make O=../output BR2_EXTERNAL=../external raspberrypi_defconfig  GEN     
# configuration written to ../output/.config

I have no solution currently, but I hope this help...

Yann, what's wrong with relative path for BR2_EXTERNAL or O ?

Best regards,
Romain Naour
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