[Buildroot] [UNSURE]Issue with the luarocks infra and legal-info

Thomas Petazzoni thomas.petazzoni at free-electrons.com
Sat Mar 1 18:41:46 UTC 2014

Dear François Perrad,

On Sat, 1 Mar 2014 19:23:56 +0100, François Perrad wrote:

> Before the Luarocks infrastructure, only native Lua modules have an
> explicit dependency with luainterpreter.
> With the Luarocks infrastructure, all Lua modules need an implicit
> dependency with luainterpreter (we don't need to split native and pure
> Lua module cases).

Right, but most likely this dependency on the target Lua interpreter is
only need before *building* Lua modules, not before *extracting* Lua
modules. Which is, if I understood correctly, what you propose below.

> These is done in 2 places :
> in http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/tree/package/pkg-luarocks.mk#n44 with
>      $(2)_DEPENDENCIES    += host-luarocks luainterpreter
> in http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/tree/package/luarocks/luarocks.mk#n12
>      HOST_LUAROCKS_DEPENDENCIES = host-lua luainterpreter
> The good place is the first one. So, you could write :
> and perhaps soon with the first virtual host package :
>      HOST_LUAROCKS_DEPENDENCIES = host-luainterpreter

Right. It's still a bit annoying to have to build host-luarocks and
host-lua to do 'make legal-info', but it's certainly a lot more
reasonable that having to build the toolchain :-)

Could you integrate a patch that does this simplification in the next
version of your Lua improvements?


Thomas Petazzoni, CTO, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux, Kernel and Android engineering

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