[Buildroot] [PATCH] manual: clarify Tested-by/Reviewed-by/Acked-by tags

Samuel Martin s.martin49 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 2 13:10:41 UTC 2014

Hi Thomas,

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Thomas De Schampheleire
<patrickdepinguin at gmail.com> wrote:
> This patch updates the manual with more clarified descriptions of tags
> Tested-by, Reviewed-by, and Acked-by, as discussed on the Buildroot
> developer days in February 2014.
> Signed-off-by: Thomas De Schampheleire <thomas.de.schampheleire at gmail.com>
> ---
>  docs/manual/contribute.txt |  43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>  1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/docs/manual/contribute.txt b/docs/manual/contribute.txt
> --- a/docs/manual/contribute.txt
> +++ b/docs/manual/contribute.txt
> @@ -145,10 +145,47 @@ submissions.
>  Some tags are used to help following the state of any patch posted on
>  the mailing-list:
> -Acked-by:: Indicates that the patch can be committed.
> +Tested-by:: Indicates that the patch has been tested in one way or
> +  another. You are encouraged to specify what kind of testing you
> +  performed (compile-test on architecture X and Y, runtime test on
> +  target A, ...). This additional information helps other testers and
> +  the maintainer.
> -Tested-by:: Indicates that the patch has been tested. It is useful
> -  but not necessary to add a comment about what has been tested.
> +Reviewed-by:: Indicates that you code-reviewed the patch and did your
> +  best in spotting problems, but you are not sufficiently familiar with
> +  the area touched to provide an Acked-by tag. This means that there
> +  may be remaining problems in the patch that would be spotted by
> +  someone with more experience in that area. Should such problems be
> +  detected, your Reviewed-by tag remains appropriate and you cannot
> +  be blamed.
> +
> +Acked-by:: Indicates that you code-reviewed the patch and you are
> +familiar enough with the area touched to feel that the patch can be
> +committed as-is (no additional changes required). In case it later turns
> +out that something is wrong with the patch, your Acked-by could be
> +considered inappropriate. The difference between Acked-by and Tested-by
> +is thus mainly that you are prepared to take the blame on Acked patches,
> +but not on Reviewed ones.

Here, you mean "The difference between Acked-by and Reviewed-by ...", no?
Otherwise, the last sentence of this paragraph does not really make sense to me.

> +
> +If you reviewed a patch and have comments on it, you should simply reply
> +to the patch stating these comments, without providing a Reviewed-by or
> +Acked-by tag. These tags should only be provided if you judge the patch
> +to be good as it is.
> +
> +It is important to note that neither Reviewed-by nor Acked-by imply
> +that testing has been performed. To indicate that you both reviewed and
> +tested the patch, provide two separate tags (Reviewed/Acked-by and
> +Tested-by).
> +
> +Note also that _any developer_ can provide Tested/Reviewed/Acked-by
> +tags, without exception, and we encourage everyone to do this. Buildroot
> +does not have a defined group of _core_ developers, it just so happens
> +that some developers are more active than others. The maintainer will
> +value tags according to the track record of their submitter. Tags
> +provided by a regular contributor will naturally be trusted more than
> +tags provided by a newcomer. As you provide tags more regularly, your
> +'trustworthiness' (in the eyes of the maintainer) will go up, but _any_
> +tag provided is valuable.
>  Buildroot's Patchwork website can be used to pull in patches for testing
>  purposes. Please see xref:apply-patches-patchwork[] for more
> _______________________________________________
> buildroot mailing list
> buildroot at busybox.net
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