[Buildroot] Patchwork cleanup: proposal

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998 at free.fr
Sat Mar 15 21:53:39 UTC 2014

Thomas, All,

On 2014-03-06 21:59 +0100, Thomas De Schampheleire spake thusly:
> I would like to adjust the patchwork cleanup sessions based on this
> experience: instead of having fixed-duration, sequential sessions of
> two weeks, where the final triaging decision is taken at the end
> based on input of the submitters, I would like to propose the
> following:
> - a triaging proposal for a number of patches is sent to the list
>   when time permits. As I'm currently leading these cleanup sessions
>   this would be done by me, but others could help here too. There is
>   no limit on the amount of patches that can be triaged in a given
>   timeframe.
> - the triaging proposal is reviewed by other Buildroot developers.
>   This agreement/disagreement phase shouldn't take long.
> - the output of this triaging can be:
>     A. We want this patch and someone should refresh and resend it.
>     B. We don't want this patch as it goes against Buildroot principles.
>     C. we're not sure and want to know if the submitter is still
>     interested in pursuing this patch.
> - In case A, ideally the original submitter refreshes the patch and
>   resends it. If not, it ends up on the todo list.
> - In case B, there is nothing to be done.
> - In case C, the submitter (and other developers) get two weeks to
>   provide feedback. When no feedback is provided, the patch is rejected.
> In a separate mail than the one with the triaging proposal, submitters
> are notified of this decision.
> The biggest advantage of this way of working would be the possibility
> to triage more patches in each release, while still providing submitters
> sufficient time to react.
> Let me know what you think of this...

I fail to see how it differs from the previous sessions. But if you find
it will make it easier, let's give it a spin. ;-)

>From my experience, I found it tedious to look at patches, unless I had
a special interest in them.

May I suggest that:
  - people that send a list of patches do so with the ones they care about
  - we vote A/B/C as explained above

Yann E. MORIN.

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