[Buildroot] Patchwork big patchsets: SELinux

Thomas De Schampheleire patrickdepinguin at gmail.com
Mon May 5 08:00:03 UTC 2014

Hi Clayton,

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 5:53 PM,  <clshotwe at rockwellcollins.com> wrote:
>>I would like to check on the state of one of the big patchsets in
>>patchwork: the SELinux patches posted by Clayton Shotwell.
>>The last iteration in patchwork is v5, posted in December 2013.
>>What I would like to know specifically is:
>>- what is the state of the patchset?
> I have not had any time to touch it since they were last submitted. I probably wont be able to get to them late next month at the earliest. I know all of those packages have had at lease two releases since I submitted the patches so the new versions need to be reintegrated.
>>- what is blocking integration of this patchset?
> I think mainly review time. The audit package required a large patch to get it to cross compile correctly. That one especially needs to be looked at it again.
>>- what can be done to deblock it?
> Me finding free time to revamp the packages. :)

Thanks for the feedback.
In the mean time, I'll remove the patches from patchwork then.

Best regards,

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