[Buildroot] [PATCH] audiofile: does not build with static-only

Luca Ceresoli luca at lucaceresoli.net
Sun May 25 21:00:00 UTC 2014

Hi Gustavo, Thomas,

Gustavo Zacarias wrote:
> On 05/24/2014 01:45 PM, Thomas Petazzoni wrote:
>> No, I disagree. The real problem is the fact that we pass --static
>> instead of -static when building statically, so libtool turns -lstdc++
>> into a full path to libstdc++.so instead of libstdc++.a.
>> The real fix is to understand why we switched from -static to --static
>> a few years ago: there is a commit from Andy Kennedy making this
>> change, but the commit log is quite fuzzy about why this is actually
>> needed.
> Hi.
> As we discussed with Thomas on IRC i've been digging and testing a bit
> and promised to write about my assorted notes for the static dilemma:

Ah, I see, I hadn't followed that discussion and was not aware of such
work you're doing. Sorry for the noise and thanks for the detailed

I understand the solution won't land in 2014.05.
I wonder what's the best thing to do in cases like this to make users
aware what there's a known bug in a release.

Should audiofile depend on BROKEN if BR2_PREFER_STATIC_LIB? This way it
would disappear from both the user's sight and the autobuilders, but
still visible via menuconfig search.

Or should we just add a comment that depends on audiofile and

I think the former (o the sum of the two) is preferred. It would stop
polluting the autobuilders with known bugs and track the issue via
`git grep BROKEN`.

Helping in fixing this bug is out of reach for me, but I can at least
send a patch for BROKEN if it's the proper way to go.


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