[Buildroot] [PATCH 17/51] core/legal-info: generate a hash of all saved files

Luca Ceresoli luca at lucaceresoli.net
Fri Dec 4 11:40:35 UTC 2015

Dear Yann,

Yann E. MORIN wrote:
> Luca, All,
> On 2015-12-03 18:24 +0100, Luca Ceresoli spake thusly:
>> Yann E. MORIN wrote:
>>> Having a hash of the saved files can be interesting for the recipient to
>>> verify the integrity of the files.
>>> We remove the warning file earlier, to exclude it from the hash list.
>>> Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998 at free.fr>
>>> Cc: Luca Ceresoli <luca at lucaceresoli.net>
>>> ---
>>>   Makefile | 7 ++++++-
>>>   1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
>>> index 5e62275..947f941 100644
>>> --- a/Makefile
>>> +++ b/Makefile
>>> @@ -662,8 +662,13 @@ legal-info: dirs legal-info-clean legal-info-prepare $(foreach p,$(PACKAGES),$(p
>>>   		cat support/legal-info/README.warnings-header \
>>>   		cat $(LEGAL_WARNINGS); fi
>>> -	@echo "Legal info produced in $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR)"
>>>   	@rm -f $(LEGAL_WARNINGS)
>>> +	@find $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR) -type f -exec sha256sum {} + \
>>> +	 |sed -r -e 's:  $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR)/+:  :' \
>>> +	 |sort -k2 \
>>> +	 >$(BUILD_DIR)/legal-info.sha256
>> Not sure I like the first sed invocation... It's written in a way that
>> heavily depends on how sha256 formats its output,
> Output which is mirrored from the output of md5sum¸which has been the
> same for eons. But OK...

Yes, mine is mostly an aesthetic issue.

>> and it's not very
>> much readable by the average Buildroot user (*). It will most likely
>> never cause any problems, it's mostly a style issue.
>> How about:
>> 	@( cd $(LEGAL_INFO_DIR) &&
>> 	   find . -type f -exec sha256sum {} + | sort -k2 ) \
>> 	 >$(BUILD_DIR)/legal-info.sha256
> Still the output would look like:
>      sha2-hash  ./path/to/file
>      sha2-hash  ./path/to/other/file
> That is, with a leading './' which is ugly... :-/

Mmmh... how about 'find * [...]'?


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